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Stress and Psychoneuroimmunology Revisited: using mind-body interventions to reduce stress / Madeline M. Lorentz — 2006 y.

Журнал: Alternative Journal of Nursing July 2006, Issue 11
Год: 2006 УДК: 
Stress is a fundamental component of life. It is an unconscious response to a demand and when the demand is perceived as excessive, stress results along with diseases and conditions. Psychoneuroimmunology (PNI) has given importance to the relationship between stress and its physiological effects on the body. Scientists in this growing field have discovered that stress modulates the activities of the nervous, endocrine, and immune systems. Mind-body medicine is developing unconventional methods for coping with stress-related disorders. Nurses are empowered to implement mind-body interventions, such as meditation, imagery, therapeutic touch, and humor, to reduce stress and promote self-control and positive well-being for their patients.
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